
Live Usability Testing

Problem: Using a live website, create three tasks for users, and run a usability test. Evaluate results and provide a report for stakeholders.

Approach: I selected the Danner Footwear website for my usability test. I ran the test with live recording through Validately.com, recording screen and microphone. Participants were asked to "think out loud" as is common in usability tests. Using both analytics provided through Validately as well as my own analysis, I produced a report on the usability for the three tasks.

Results: I laid the report out to clearly relay specific task instructions as given to participants, a quick scannable summary, and more detailed findings. Where appropriate, I provided annotated screenshots to explain difficulties users experienced. Above is a one-page excerpt from the full

Lessons Learned: This project helped provide exposure to yet another tool for running usability tests - Validately. I had previously used others such as Treejack, and even basic screen recording with video conferencing software (Teams or Zoom paired with Camtasia), so it was extremely helpful to gain a sense of the capabilities of the various testing tools.

Mobile Guerilla Testing

Problem: Conduct a rapid usability test on a mobile application of your choice using mobile screen recording or broadcasting application, then compile a report of the results in a slideshow format.

Approach: I was grouped in a team of three for this project. We chose to review the TickTick mobile list app. We collaborated on a test protocol, and using that protocol for consistency, all conducted usability tests. We all used some form of mobile screen recording software, as well as camera view of participants, allowing us to see nonverbal cues. We then all reviewed the test recordings, and compiled the results. We were each directed to produce our own usability report as this was a course assignment, however, so the report was entirely my own creation.

Results: As the only report format for this project was a brief slideshow, I condensed information down to most important, removing detail that may have been included in a print report. I also used more visual aids to communicate results efficiently, including screenshots, annotations, and participant quotes to support findings.

Lessons Learned: I have a tendency to over-explain, so this particular test was an excellent opportunity for me to practice communicating in a very concise, brief manner. Detailed explanations help ensure there is no remaining confusion, but stakeholders rarely have time for long explanations, so this was great practice in condensing information.

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Created by Jonathan Bradley. Copyright 2021.