Hi! I'm Jonathan

I'm a UX designer - I make things easier for people to use. I'm new to the field and just recently earned a Master of Science in UX Design. Although I'm new, UX design plays to many of my strengths. I have a strong background in communication, I love solving puzzles, and I'm a great advocate for the user.

Because I'm new, I have little workplace experience, but I do have experience and extensive knowledge of UX tools and procedures. The entire two-year master program was fully hands-on and practical.

Please note that this portfolio is an evolving project. All content so far is taken from practical assignments over the two years of my master's program. As I am changing careers into UX, I have not yet had opportunity to gain direct work experience in UX. Additionally, I have been self-teaching CSS and am beginning to learn javascript, so this portfolio will continue to evolve as I advance in that.

Jump right in to the samples below!


I have experience in a variety of UX research methods, from initial planning and developing research protocols to conducting interviews and various types of user tests.

I have conducted in-person interviews and tests, as well as remote via video chat and screen sharing, using capture software.

Communicate Results

I participated in several projects where I analyzed the results of research - either previously conducted research, or our own user research - and communicated the resulsts to stakeholders.

These projects included sitemap analyses, user journeys, executive usability reports, and of course many user personas. I have also produced video reports - in lieu of in-person presentation, due to the pandemic.


Moving on from results analysis and reporting, I have done a number of projects in which those results were used to create new ideas. These included recommendations to fix existing problems, or designing new interfaces from scratch.

I have hands-on experience producing low-, medium-, and high-fidelity wireframes and wireflows, "jobs-to-be-done" oriented task flows, and more.


I have experience with multiple interactive prototyping platforms, including Axure RP, Proto.io, Adobe XD, and Sketch.


Through my master's program, I made use of a variety of usability testing tools, across a number of usability tests. These tools included the Treejack suite and Validately, as well as simply using screen recording and cameras, with manual analysis using Excel.

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Created by Jonathan Bradley. Copyright 2021.